
ACLAM membership is open to all veterinarians who are certified as ACLAM Diplomates. ACLAM members in good standing enjoy all membership rights and privileges, including participation in meetings, voting, and holding office, except as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws.

Officers and Board of Directors

ACLAM has five officers: the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Immediate Past-President, the Secretary-Treasurer, all of which are elected by ACLAM membership.

The Board of Directors consists of six Diplomates elected by ACLAM membership plus the ACLAM officers.


Officers 2023-24

Jeanne Wallace, President
Pat Turner, President-elect
Lesley Colby, Vice President
Angela King-Herbert, Past President
Timothy Mandrell, Secretary/Treasurer

Board of Directors

Dan Myers (2024)
Craig Fletcher (2024)
Dondrae Coble (2025)
Judy Hickman-Davis (2025)
Lon Kendall (2026)
William Hill (2026)

Executive Director

Melvin W. Balk

Bill White, Executive Director Backup

Support Personnel

AALAS, Webmaster
Nanette Kleinman, Newsletter Editor

Bill White, Executive Director Backup
Mel Balk, BOD Liaison

Representatives to Other Organizations

AAALAC Representative
Michael Talcott (2023)

AALAS Affiliate Contact
Mel Balk

ASLAP Representative
Angela King-Herbert

ABVS Representatives
Ravi Tolwani (2023)
Bob Quinn (alternate)

IACLAM Representatives
Michele Bailey, President 2024
Gary Borkowski, 2022
Lesley Colby, BOD Liaison