
The ACLAM certification examination determines qualification in laboratory animal medicine, a recognized specialty within the veterinary medical profession. The passing standard for the test separates individuals who possess knowledge at the level commensurate with Diplomate status from those whose knowledge is below that level.

The examination is used only to make pass/fail decisions; ACLAM’s position is that all who pass are equally qualified, so no numeric scores are released. Candidates who pass the examination are granted the title of Diplomate.

ACLAM Diplomates are certified specialists in the field of laboratory animal medicine. They provide medical care and management to a wide variety of animal species used in medical, veterinary medical, and biological research and testing. They have unique qualifications which enable them to serve as valuable members of the research team. ACLAM is recognized officially by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) as the certifying organization for laboratory animal medicine.