Overview for Development of ACLAM Position Papers /Statements

When timely and relevant topics arise that are deemed by the Board of Directors or College membership to be deserving of a professional review, a Position Paper (>2 pages in length) or a Position Statement (<2 pages length) may be created ad hoc to address the stated need.

Position Papers/Statements will be overseen by the ACLAM Publications Committee and the following series of events will occur from inception to publication:

  1. A "Lead" for the Position Paper/Statement will volunteer or be identified from the College membership; this person will be responsible for organizing a volunteer group of writers/editors/subject matter experts to address the intended topic;
  2. Following the drafting of the Position Paper/Statement, the Lead will submit the draft to the Publications Committee Chair for assessment (the Lead and contributors will be provided on the document as the authors);
  3. The Publications Committee Chair will then forward the Position Paper/Statement to the Board of Directors for additional feedback (this interaction will continue until a final draft is completed and approved by the President);
  4. The Position Paper/Statement will then be provided on the website to the College membership for commentary on substantive additions (suggested max of a 30-day period);
  5. Following the comment period, the Position Paper/Statement will be finalized by the BOD, posted to the ACLAM website and delivered to the AALAS Journal Editors, where it may be considered for official publication;
  6. If published in the AALAS Journals, the final journal publication in downloadable PDF will replace the posted document on the ACLAM website.

Existing Position Paper/Statement will be reviewed within 5 years of publication/posting to determine if the topic remains relevant, the perspectives or references need updating, or if the document should be archived from the website.


Position Statements

No warranty, promise, assurance, or guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, is made by the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (“ACLAM”) as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of any translation made from English into any other language. The user accepts the risks and implications of any shortcomings or differences in the translation. A user agrees that ACLAM shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or errors in the translation or for any loss or damage of any kind, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from or in connection with the user’s use of the translated document and its information. If any questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information presented by the translated version, the user should refer to the official English version.

 ACLAM Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

 Adoption of Research Animals
  Adopción de Animal de Investigación

 Reproducibility Updated 10/1/22

  Medical Records for Animals Used in Research, Teaching, and Testing  Updated 9/30/20 (changes)

  Adequate Veterinary Care Updated 6/17/22
Atención Veterinaria Adecuada

  Research with Animals Updated 5/21/19

  Pain and Distress Updated 6/11/22

  The 3Rs Updated 5/21/19

  Value of AAALAC Accreditation Updated 5/21/19
El valor de la acreditación de AAALAC Internacional

 World Veterinary Association Position Statement on the Humane Care of Animals in Biomedical Research 3/14/23
Declaración de posición de la Asociación Veterinaria Mundial (WVA por sus siglas en inglés) sobre el cuidado humanitario de los animales en la investigación biomédica