The ACLAM Awards Committee is soliciting nominations for the following five awards: Nathan R. Brewer Career Achievement Award in Laboratory Animal Medicine, Comparative Medicine Scientist Award, Mel Balk Mentorship Award, James Russell Lindsey Distinguished Lectureship, and Honorary Diplomate. The nomination criteria can be found below.
Submit your nominations electronically as a single PDF file to Complete nomination packets must be submitted prior to March 15 for all awards except the Honorary Member Award. Application packets for the Honorary Member Award are reviewed on a rolling basis and may be submitted at any time. Awardees will receive the recognition at the upcoming ACLAM Forum. Additional information may be sought from the Executive Director or the ACLAM Awards Committee
Eligibility | Mid to Senior level Diplomate of ACLAM. May not be awarded posthumously.
Achievement | This award recognizes individuals who have contributed substantially to the membership of ACLAM in terms of mentoring postdoctoral fellows, graduate students or junior level ACLAM Diplomates. Mentoring could be in the areas of research, board certification, technical training, or administrative duties. Examples include: 1) Held the position of director of a training program whose trainees have gone on to become leaders in our field. 2) Recognition as a leader in the field through other awards such as the Griffin Award, Charles River Prize, AVMA/ASLAP Research Award, and other AALAS and/or AVMA awards. 3) Held leadership positions in ACLAM, ASLAP, AALAS, and/or AVMA. 4) Provided training programs or workshops at major meetings or institutions which have been instrumental in the training of laboratory animal veterinarians. 5) Publication of books, manuscripts or training manuals which have been instrumental in the development of laboratory animal veterinarians. |
Frequency/Number | This award could be given annually to 1-3 eligible individuals. It is not necessarily an annual award. |
Career Stage | Late to Retirement |
Group or Individual | Individual |
Nomination Criteria and Progress | 1) Meets eligibility, career stage and achievement criteria. 2) A letter of nomination to be written by an ACLAM Diplomate. 3) Four (4) letters of support from ACLAM Diplomates. 4) A curriculum vitae of the individual being nominated. |
Selecting Entity/Process | Majority vote of a convened meeting of the ACLAM BOD following recommendation by the Awards Committee. |
Presentation Venue and Award
| Award presented during ACLAM Forum at the Awards Dinner. |
Communication | Scientific society of awardee’s choice, Comparative Medicine, and other journals as appropriate. Press release for awardee’s institution, local press, alumni institutions, and/or employer.
Nathan R. Brewer Career Achievement Award in Laboratory Animal Medicine |
Eligibility | Senior level Diplomate of ACLAM. May not be awarded posthumously. |
Achievement | This award recognizes an individual who has afforded rare and exceptional contributions to the field of laboratory animal and comparative medicine over the bulk of their professional career. Cumulative achievements, research, teaching, and service should demonstrate a major impact on the advancement of the specialty of laboratory animal medicine. Contributions are widely recognized and accepted within ACLAM (i.e., obvious to all Diplomates).
Frequency/Number | This award is the highest level award for a Diplomate. Therefore, the award is given on an infrequent basis, no more than one per year, except under highly unusual circumstances. |
Career Stage | Post-retirement, or post retirement age. |
Group or Individual | Individual |
Nomination Criteria and Progress | 1) Meets eligibility, achievement and career stage descriptions. 2) A letter of nomination written by an ACLAM Diplomate. 3) At least two (2) letters of support from ACLAM Diplomates.
Selecting Entity/Process | Unanimous vote of a convened meeting of the BOD, after recommendation from the Awards Committee. |
Presentation Venue and Award | Award presented during ACLAM Forum at Awards Dinner.
Communication | JAVMA, Comparative Medicine, and other journals as appropriate. Press release for awardee’s institution, local press, alumni institutions, and/or employer. |
ACLAM Comparative Medicine Scientist Award |
Eligibility | Full-time, doctoral level scientist. A significant portion of whose work is directly relevant to comparative medicine and/or laboratory animal medicine. May not be awarded posthumously. |
Achievement | This award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions (research publications, reviews, book chapters, lectures) in comparative medicine. The contribution of the individual’s work should be over a period of time (5-20 years) and have had a significant impact on the field of animal-based biomedical research. A nominee’s scientific contributions are recognized and accepted by Diplomates and non-Diplomates working in the awardees' field. |
Frequency/Number | This award is ACLAM’s highest level award for scientific achievement. Therefore, the award is given on an infrequent basis based on merit, expected to be once every one to three years. |
Career Stage | Mid to late |
Group or Individual | Individual |
Nomination Criteria and Progress | 1) Meets eligibility, achievement, and career stage descriptions. 2) A letter of nomination from an ACLAM Diplomate. 3) At least two (2) letters of support. 4) A curriculum vitae of the individual being nominated. |
Selecting Entity/Process | Majority vote of a convened meeting of the ACLAM BOD following recommendation by the Awards Committee. |
Presentation Venue and Award | Award presented during ACLAM Forum at Awards Dinner. |
Communication | Scientific society of awardees' choice, Comparative Medicine and other journals as appropriate. Press release for awardee's institution, local press, alumni institutions, and/or employer.
Eligibility | The Lindsey Lectureship will be awarded to leaders in biomedical research who have made outstanding contributions to animal models of human diseases, the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of laboratory animal diseases, education and training of future scientists and all other endeavors pertaining to the missions of ACLAM that advance animal and human health. Not intended to be awarded posthumously without special circumstances and approval by the Awards Committee. |
Achievement | This lectureship recognizes scientific leaders who like Dr. Lindsey have made outstanding contributions in comparative medicine, laboratory animal medicine, animal models of diseases, mentoring young scientists, and/or other accomplishments in laboratory animal science and comparative medicine. These contributions should pertain specifically to the mission of ACLAM in research and training.
Frequency/Number | This lectureship may be awarded annually to one eligible individual, but not required to be given every year. |
Career Stage | Any |
Nomination Criteria and Progress | 1) Meets eligibility and achievement criteria. 2) A letter of nomination written by an ACLAM Diplomate to the Awards Committee. 3) Two (2) letters of support. 4) A current curriculum vitae of the individual being nominated. |
Selecting Entity/Process | Majority vote by the Awards Committee following consultation with the Lindsey Lectureship Committee. |
Presentation Venue and Award | Award and lecture presented during the ACLAM Forum.
Communication | Scientific society of awardee’s choice, Comparative Medicine, and other journals as appropriate. Press release for awardee’s institution, local press, alumni institutions, and/or employer. |
ACLAM Honorary Member |
Eligibility | Honorary membership may be bestowed on living individuals, not necessarily veterinarians, who have made outstanding contributions to the specialty of laboratory animal medicine. May not be awarded posthumously. |
Achievement | The primary criteria of selection is based on specific acts or achievements, which have made significant contributions to the field of laboratory animal medicine. Those awarded this honor are expected to continue such contributions and further enhance the prestige of the College. Such examples of achievement include: • Administration of Institutional Policies and Responsibilities o To include Training; Occupational Health and Safety; Regulatory Medicine; IACUC or Veterinary Responsibilities; Public Outreach, Education, and Advocacy. • Animal Environment, Housing, and Management o To include Behavioral Management and Research; Animal Resource and Personnel management. • Veterinary Medical Care o To include Preventive Medicine; Diagnostics; Clinical care; Alleviation of Pain and Distress; Anesthesia and Analgesia. • Facilities Design/Engineering of Animal facilities o To include unique improvements in the design and function of animal facilities. • Experimental Medical Sciences/Comparative Medical Sciences/Science o To include Animal Model Development in Scientific Areas; Pathology; Animal Alternatives.
Frequency/Number | Nominations may be made at any time by a Diplomate in good standing. It is not necessarily an annual award. |
Career Stage | Mid to late |
Group or Individual | Individual |
Nomination Criteria and Progress | Nominations may be made at any time by a Diplomate in good standing. Nominations will be made to the President or Awards Committee and contain the following: 1. Meets eligibility, career stage, and achievement criteria. 2. A letter of nomination from an ACLAM Diplomate. 3. At least two (2) letters of support from ACLAM Diplomates. 4. A curriculum vitae of the individual being nominated. |
Selecting Entity/Process | Upon receiving the completed nomination, the Awards Committee will review for recommendation. A unanimous vote of the ACLAM BOD is necessary for election to honorary membership. |
Presentation Venue and Award | Award presented during the ACLAM Forum at the Awards Dinner |
Communication | Scientific society of awardee's choice, Comparative Medicine, and other journals as appropriate. Press release for awardee's institution, local press, alumni institutions, and/or employer. |
Mel Balk Mentorship Award
2008 - Al Moreland
2009 - Tom Clarkson
2011 - Dale Martin
2014 - Tim Mandrell
2017 - Angela King Herbert
2018 - Craig Franklin
2018 - Stephanie Murphy
2019 - Deb Hickman
2020 - Robert Marini
2020 - Thomas Martin
2020 - Daniel Myers
2021 - Diane Gaertner
2021 - David Ruble
2022 - John Harkness
2022 - David Kurtz
2022 - Laurie Brignolo
2022 - Cliff Roberts
2024 - Claire Hankenson
2024 - Wendy O Williams
Nathan Brewer Lifetime Achievement Award
2007 - Henry Foster
2009 - John Miller
2013 - Harry Rozmiarek
2014 - Sam Adams
2015 - Michael Kastello
2016 - William J.White
2018 - John Bacher
2020 - Christian Abee
2021 - C. Max Lang
2022 - B. Taylor Bennett
2024 - Jim Fox
Comparative Medicine Award
2007 - Jim Fox
2008 - Mike Swindle
2010 - Stephanie Murphy
2013 - Daniel Myers
2014 - Craig Franklin
2016 - Sue Vandewoude
2021 - Neil Lipman
2022 - Susan Erdman
2024 - Deb Hickman
Foster Award
1989 - Lynn Keller (W&P)
1990 - Judith Davis (W&P)
1991 - Glenn Otto (W&P)
1992 - Daniel Morton (W), Diane Forsythe (P)
1993 - Sanford Feldman (W), Kathryn Bayne (P)
1994 - Michael Blanco (W&P)
1995 - Nan Kleinman and Tracy Peace (W), Bryan Ogden (P)
1996 - Gay Ruble (W), Brent Morse (P)
1997 - Joseph Schech (W&P)
1998 - Susan Goodwin (W), James O’Malley (P)
1999 - Andrew Wilkinson (W&P), Samuel Cartner, and Lisa Forman (P)
2000 - Lisa Halliday (W), Jon Reuter (P)
2001 - Monica Schroder (W&P), Mary Martin (P)
2002 - Jennifer Pullium (W), Andrew Burich (P)
2003 - Patricia Stewart (W), Leanne Alworth (P)
2004 - George DeMarco (W&P), Anne Schiavetta (P)
2005 - Kenneth Jacobsen (W&P), Nina Woodford (P)
2006 - Douglas Taylor (W), Larry Carbone (P)
2007 - Robert Rose (W&P), Jeremey Smedley (W&P)
2008 - Thomas Meier (W), Tracy Gluckman (P)
2009 - Leslie Curtin (W&P)
2010 - Brett Taylor
2011 - Patrick Lester
2012 - Gordon Roble
2013 - Marla Brunell
2014 - Lauren Drew Martin
2015 - Laura A. Wilding
2016 - Cassie Moats
2017 - Sara R. Hegge
2018 - Sarah Clark
2019 - Amanda Darbyshire
2020 - Kelsey Carpenter
2024 - Michael McKinney
Honorary Members
1962 - Leo Bustad
1971 - T.C. Jones
1973 - Bert Hill
1974 - George Harrell
1978 - Joe Held
1979 - Harry Rowsell
1981 - Phil Trexler
1989 - Lars Vass
1992 - Pravin Bhatt
1994 - Abigail Smith
1995 - Julia Hillard
1996 - Leo Whitehair
1999 - Lela Riley
2000 - Michael Festing
2001 - John Vandebergh
2002 - Hans Hedrich
2003 - Stephen Barthold
2004 - Ann-Dominique Degryse
2007 - Judy MacArthur Clark
2007 - Ralph Dell
2008 - Paul Flecknell
2008 - Art Hall
2011 - Frankie Trull
2014 - Robert Jacoby
2018 - Susan Compton
2020 - Linda Cork
2021 - Tracy L. Hanner
2024 - William R Shek