Update: 9/10/20
From Prometric, what to expect on test day: https://www.prometric.com/test-takers/what-expect
Update: 8/26/20
Prometric has resumed testing in more than 90% of their global test center network.
Update: 8/19/20
On Sep 1 candidates will receive an e mail from SMT Notice registrations@isoqualitytesting.com with the subject line being “Registering for the 2020 ACLAM Exam”. This will be how you schedule space for the upcoming exam on November 6, 2020, at a local Prometrics testing center. Please be on the lookout for this email and let Dr. Balk (mwbaclam@gsinet.net) know if you do not receive this.
Update: 5/11/20
All candidates will receive a notification that will come from the Prometric scheduling system to reserve your place at an exam location prior to September 4.
In the wake of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, the BOD recognizes the need to postpone the ACLAM certifying examination, originally scheduled for July 17, 2020. The 2020 certifying exam will be rescheduled for Friday November 6, 2020 and will be given at Prometric test sites in North America. Candidates will be notified later in the year on how to access a reservation at a Prometrics test center.
The Exam Material Cut Off Date for the 2020 Exam to be given November 6, 2020 is Dec 31, 2019. The annual ACLAM Exam may contain questions on materials from any relevant publications up to Dec 31 of the year prior to the exam (Dec 31, 2019 for the 2020 exam).
Any candidate credentialed for the 2020 exam may voluntarily defer sitting for the exam to 2021 with no loss of eligibility or penalty. The deadline to defer is November 1. The exam fee paid will be applied to the 2021 exam.
If local Prometric test sites are not open in November in some geographic regions, the following will apply:
--Candidates have the option to travel to a distant Prometric test site of their choice based on availability.
--Candidates whose employers will not allow the candidate(s) to travel to a distant Prometric test site will automatically be deferred to sit for the exam in 2021.